Whatever level of suspended solids from 2 NTU all the way up to >8% solids, the SoliSense® is the solution. A sophisticated sensor that ranges from 2 NTU to 8% solids (in waste water, up to 50% in other solids), this suspended solids monitor is the solution, and is unique in its ability to measure from low NTU to percent solids in one sensor.

SoliSense® Online Suspended
Solids Monitor Sensor
Suitable for waste water, potable water monitoring, mixed liquor suspended solids monitoring, return activated sludge, centrate monitoring, filtrate monitoring, sludge, and many more applications where a traditional turbidimeter or suspended solids analyzer would be used. The suspended solids sensor can be fitted with an auto-cleaning function that blasts either water or air across the optical windows keeping them clean.
With the SoliSense® range of Suspended Solids monitors you get a world class sensor (patent applied for).
Principle of Operation – No Zero!

Each SoliSense® suspended solids monitor is fitted with a light source and two detectors for making the measurements. Having two detectors, positioned at different distances from the light source, allows the sensor to be used over a wide range of suspended solids concentrations. The light source is a long life infra-red LED emitter (providing for 15 years working life). The detectors are matched photodiodes which are positioned to detect backscattered light, that is light that is scattered by >90°. By measuring back scattered light the sensor can be used to detect low and high concentrations of solids. This configuration allows accurate and reliable measurements of suspended solids concentrations and turbidity to be made.
Calibration of the SoliSense® for turbidity measurements or measurements of samples with low concentrations of solids is very easy, requiring a single calibration sample. This sample can either be a reading from another method, or a suitable standard. The analyzer calibrates the sensor by a procedure that reduces the light output through four stages, taking measurements at each. This process provides an accurate and reliable zero and span without the requirement to use a ‘0’ NTU/solids sample.
Calibration of the SoliSense® for the measurement of samples with high concentrations of solids uses a multi-point calibration for the most accurate results. Up to 5 calibration points can be used to give an accurate performance across a wide range of sample concentrations.
The SoliSense® suspended solids analyzer can be mounted on the end of a pole for dip mounting in a channel or tank, or inserted into a pipe via a valve which allows for retraction/removal of the sensor without shutting down the process.